Friday, January 14, 2011

List of Resolutions

I have never been much of a list person. I don't really get motivated by lists and checking things off of them. I do, however, love to do things under pressure. This is really what motivates me. I have a warped sense of how long things will actually take, therefore, leaving things until the last minute.

In 2011 I hope to do things differently. Less chaotic, less "fly by the seat of your pants." I have goals that I would like to accomplish or at least start. I usually make one "resolution" and for the past 4 years has been to loose weight. This past year I have lost 15 pounds from April to September and since September, just "watching what I eat," not so much trying to loose weight and have gaind 5 pounds :(

So here is my list for 2011

1. Loose 15 more pounds, hopefully more, but 15 would make me happy.

Last April my roommate and I joined a gym and went regularly 3 times a week and felt Great! In June we saw how much success her mother and aunt had on Weight Watchers and decided to do it unofficially keeping eachother accountable for what we ate. September we both had reached our goals and were happy. After our vacation we had a hard time getting back into the routine hoping to loose an additional 10 pounds before the end of the year and falling short.

So this year I am going to plan on going to the gym and use the membership I pay for at least 2 times per week and continue to eat healthy and stay within my points. We usually use recipes from here.

2. Be more organized in both work and home life.

I am the Pediatric Lead Nurse in a busy Emergency Department. I was promoted to this position last December and really have only taken on the schedule. I know that they want me to be part of more meetings and encorporate more educational oppertunities. I need to learn to how to balance the clinical with administrative time and not overwork myself. Hopefully getting the new Verizon iPhone and balancing my calanders will help. I just can't get over the paper calanders, I love hand written calanders!

At home, I want to keep my house clean so that the days that I am off, I am not constantly picking up and cleaning. I need to become better organized and have a place for all things. This will help me with other goals that I have like paying bills on time. This is a great website to use to help begin to get yourself organized. I love the look of well organized areas!

3. Pay off debt and manage money better, including paying bills ontime.
I did pay off my debt last year, and managed to get in debt again. My mother is great at managing money and saving, I did not get that great gene from her. I currently don't live on a budget nor do I balance my checking account on a monthly basis. I don't think if that were a resolution of mine that I would every be able to check that off my list, however managing my bills and paying them ontime is a real and a necessary possibility. I have a lot of things direct debited and this is great, I just need to come up with a way to manage this and know when everything is being debited. I plan to make an excell worksheet with due dates and dates when things are debited untill I have another plan.

4. Start Masters program for Pediatric Nurse Practitioner

This gives me palpatations just thinking about it! I have so many unanswered questions, however, there are many changes happening and soon, and after 2015, you would have to have a Doctorate to practice, so I better start now and I will graduate in 2014 and hopefully pass my boards so I don't have to go back for my Doctorate (sigh). This is why managing my money and home is so important. I know that it takes a lot of effort and most people can't do it holding a full time career, but I have no other option and will continue as planned going to school part time and continue to work as the Lead Nurse.

5. Become a better photographer!

I have always been interested in Photography, taking 2 classes in high school and one in college. I got a DLSR last year for my birthday present and have enjoyed taking pictures in Brazil along with photographing special moments in my friends life and taking newborn photos of my neice. I would also like to learn Photoshop better as well. I just have to find the time to get out and shoot!

There are some clases that are held in the area. PennCamera offer some and hopefully in the spring I will enroll.

Well this is all for now. I feel good about these goals for the new year and hopefully this time next year I will be skinnier, more organized, richer, back in school with 1 semester under my belt, and a better photographer! I hope that listing this on my blog will keep me accountable for each goal and I will update monthly with my progress. This will also help me blog more which is on my list, just not the top 5. I enjoy reading them much more thatn writing them.

Until next time!

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