Monday, November 1, 2010


I got to go away this weekend to the beach! We had such a great time hanging out with family and friends. We even got to go trick or treating! which is something I don't get to do since I don't have any kids and I don't think people would have anything appropriate for doggies!

We dressed our dogs up none the less. I found these great costumes at PetSmart for 75% off and they were great. So with out further adu ...



I loved this cow costume, Presley didn't enjoy the head piece very well, but it was so cute!

and Ellie...

We initially had a dragon costume, but I think the angel was much cuter. It was just the wings, but since our dogs have a top knot, I decided to make a halo out of pipe cleaners and wrap it around her top knot. It stayed remarkably well and didn't come off when she shook.

We went trick or treating with my roomates niece and the dogs got to go in their stroller. They were so well behaved!

One of the best trick or treaters that I heard about was a teenage mother, with her 3 mo old baby came trick o treating smoking a cigarette with either her baby's daddy or her husband. I wonder if that was her costume or if she was trick or treating for her baby... which then bring the question of "who is going to eat the candy?" AWESOME!!

I hope everyone have a safe and Happy Halloween!!

1 comment:

Sheryl said...

That is SO cute...those dogs are so spoiled. That story of the mom trick-or-treating is funny...really with a three month old. Not to say I don't skim candy from my kids bags.