Friday, December 5, 2008

Top 10...

It is that time of year that it seems that everyone is doing a Top 10 something or other. Everytime you turn on the radio or the TV there is some countdown. Everynight David Letterman has a top 10, so I thought that I would add my top 10, the top 10 stupidest (is that a word??) reasons why people come to the ER. Now this is a list that a doctor that I work with keeps and has updated with some of the patients that I have taken care of. Some of these people have stories and some of the stories I don't know, but it is still intreguing to hear what people come to the ER for.

10. Ubbilical stump falling off - not that I understand why people come in for this, but for new parents, the umbilical stump can look rather gross and after falling off there can be dried blood and whitish areas that still need drying out that can look like an infection. I know it sounds gross.

9. Fever for 2 hours in an older child - usually we give them motrin and send them home.

8. I want an ultrasound picture of my baby - this is a frequent request however they are usually only 8 weeks pregnant and don't realize that you wouldn't see anything by a beating little blob.

7. My shoes are too tight - yes we actually had someone that came in with this, actually his complaint was that his feet were hearting, but he continued to say that it was cause he thought his shoes were too tight. I don't blame the kid, I blame the parent for bringing them in the the ER for this reason.

6. My yearly check up - and she wasn't talking about a physical.

5. My nose has grown slowly over the last 2 years - yes, she was very concerned about this and other blemishes that are normal in a child going through puberty.

4. My daughter has not gone to school for 3 days - I don't really have anything to say about this.

3. Goosebumps - again, not really a lot to say.

2. Almost bitten by a dog - I think this person was upset more that his pizza was stolen and wanted the doctor's note and a free pizza.
. and the NUMBER ONE reason why someone came to the ER is ... drumroll please...
1. I sweat and breath hard after running.

So there you have it. The top 10 stupid reasons NOT to come to the ER. Maybe this is why there is a Healthcare problem, but that is a discussion for anothere day.

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