Monday, November 15, 2010

Introducing Baby Zoey Brielle ...

Yesterday morning I was at work, taking care of the sick kids coming into the ER. As I was discharging a family the secretary taps me on the shoulder and says "Your mom's on the phone." I quickly finished with the family excused myself and rushed to the phone... (my mom never calls me at work.) My mother then said that my sister was in LABOR!

It was fine, but we had it all planned out with a few bumps in the road. Zoey was schedule to make her appearance on Wednesday not Monday. Zoey was supposed to come on November 26th but because of a previous c-section and some complications, my sister and her doctor decided to schedule her c-section for November 16th, tomorrow. Later my sister tells me that she started with contractions at 2am early Monday morning, they called the doctor and the doctor advised them to come to the hospital. Too bad the hospital is about 1 hour and 20 minutes away. So she quickly thew some items in a bag (shame, shame... she should have had this packed) and they rushed off to the hopsital with my 5 yr old neice, Regan in tow. Doing 80-95mph they reach the hospital and contractions for the 35 minute drive was every 2 minutes. They check her in, started monitoring the baby, placed her epidural and made my sister comfortable. Since Regan was there and no one was there to watch her, they were going to hold off untill my mother could arrive to take my neice. My mom arrived at 9:30 and the took my sister in to the OR. By 10:18 Zoey Brielle joined our family and I couldn't be more excited! So one of her first pics with her big sister!

I love this photo! It was taken with my mom's phone, since no one bothered to pack a camera. I can't get over Regan's orange lips. My mom says Regan wants to do EVERYTHING for Zoey. She feels extra special when Zoey always falls asleep in her arms. Such a little mama already. Zoey has so much hair! I know that Zoey will be loved much... WELCOME TO THE FAMILY ZOEY... Prepare for a crazy ride...

Much love,
Aunt Bobbi

Monday, November 1, 2010


I got to go away this weekend to the beach! We had such a great time hanging out with family and friends. We even got to go trick or treating! which is something I don't get to do since I don't have any kids and I don't think people would have anything appropriate for doggies!

We dressed our dogs up none the less. I found these great costumes at PetSmart for 75% off and they were great. So with out further adu ...



I loved this cow costume, Presley didn't enjoy the head piece very well, but it was so cute!

and Ellie...

We initially had a dragon costume, but I think the angel was much cuter. It was just the wings, but since our dogs have a top knot, I decided to make a halo out of pipe cleaners and wrap it around her top knot. It stayed remarkably well and didn't come off when she shook.

We went trick or treating with my roomates niece and the dogs got to go in their stroller. They were so well behaved!

One of the best trick or treaters that I heard about was a teenage mother, with her 3 mo old baby came trick o treating smoking a cigarette with either her baby's daddy or her husband. I wonder if that was her costume or if she was trick or treating for her baby... which then bring the question of "who is going to eat the candy?" AWESOME!!

I hope everyone have a safe and Happy Halloween!!